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English, Mathematics & Sciences


2.5-4 Hour Daily Sessions for 5 days per course, Monday - Friday 

The 2024 Easter course will be held online.

 This Easter 2024, Driven Tutors run some of the top online crash courses for GCSE and A-Level students in the UK. Led by our experienced pool of tutors, these courses are extremely high intensity and are currently being run for GCSE and A-Level students who were not satisfied with their grades.


  • Driven Tutors has an outstanding Russell Group placement record for retake students, helping our retake students to achieve the grades required to secure their first-choice university place.


  • The course is managed by the founder who has a superb track record of helping students achieve the grades your first-choice place requires and is supported by a team of handpicked tutors, all of whom will go to the extra mile to ensure you get there.


  • Obtaining results is the forefront of everything we do. Exam tips and techniques are instilled from day one of joining the course. Students are continuously given exam-style questions during the session as well as outside of session for homework. The tutors closely monitor student’s exam technique and help to convert excellent grasp of content to achieving high results.


  • Prior to beginning the course, the students are given a chance to gauge the quality of tutoring that we are offering through a 30 mins 1:1 introductory session as well as being asked to complete a consultation paper designed accurately assess the student’s strength and weaknesses. These activities help to form a good picture of the student’s current educational level.



Interactive learning:

Learning from other students in a result driven environment


Exam coaching and technique: 

Confidence building, time management, content preparation


Superb student – staff ratio:

Each child receives the support, attention and resources they need to flourish


Helps to identify and tackle students’ weaknesses Initially, student’s unidentified areas of weaknesses will be focused, and the best teaching method will be adopted to suit the student learning style.

The course is suitable for:

  • Students in Year 11 and Year 13 who are sitting the GCSE and A-Level including AQA, Edexcel, OCR, OCR MEI & WJEC, offering support for Higher & Foundation Tier. 


  • Students living abroad (USA, Dubai, Nigeria, Russia, Saudi Arabia, China, Japan) who require support with the iGCSE & IB examination content.

The course objectives:

  • Extensive overview of the entire GCSE/A-Level syllabus up to Level 8/9 of GCSE and A/A* of A-level ​


  • Successfully highlight/target weaknesses of the student so that they can maximise exam results


  • Topics you are unsure of or in need to further consolidation will be covered using a combination of learning methods.


  • Equip students with exam techniques and tactics used by some of the top exam performers in the country


  • To cover an array of exam style questions so that the student is fully comfortable with different exam style questions under time pressure​


  • Constant offering of student motivation, guidance and mentoring to help empower students during the build-up to the resit examination


  • Group setting holds a maximum of 8 students per online live class and the 1:1 can be arranged according to students availability.​



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Our courses cover the whole specification which means they’re a great way to kick start revision or can be used to identify and fill in any gaps in knowledge. You should leave the course feeling confident and prepared for your exams.


Your course tutor will teach a topic before going through past paper questions to consolidate learning and practice exam technique during the programme. 







April Course:







25th March - 12th of April 2024


2.5 hours daily for 5 days, Monday- Friday, excluding weekends (GCSE)

2.5 hours daily for 5 days, Monday- Friday, excluding weekends (AS-Level) 

4 hours daily for 5 days, Monday- Friday, excluding weekends (A-Level) 


Our courses will be held online (using Zoom, Skype). 





If you would like to provide the best educational opportunities for your child and see them achieve their highest potential, please do not hesitate to contact us and find out more about the course.


Looking for personalised courses/ Resit courses tailored to your needs. Fill in your details below and we will get back to you within 24 hours.

Please fill in the contact form below to:

  • Register your interest in one of the courses

  • Request a particular service

  • Receive a free call back where one of our representatives will explain to you why we are different and how you can sign up to one of our courses

  • Reserve your spot on one of our programmes for when our centre reopen


Or alternatively please send us an email to



We would like to thank you in advance for contacting us and we look forward to working with you. 

You can register for one of our online courses by filling in the form below

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